The Construction Source Australia

Their roster of sub-contractors receives this same attitude. “We’ve been in business 27 years and we still use lot of the same contractors and suppliers from day one,” says Alex. “Since COVID we don’t quote against other builders. We want to work with architects and clients who want to work with us.” We don’t believe that trying to be the cheapest builder will deliver the best quality home,” says Alex. “That has allowed us to effectively have a team of contractors who work for us - electricians, painters, etc. that work on all of our projects. I’ve found this to be very reassuring for our clients. As the current HIA Home of the Year recipient I can explain to our clients that the same trades that built the Home of the Year is building their home.” As Managing Director, Alex has a consistent plan moving forward, which he communicates to his clients and team. “Two of my supervisors are going to take over the company in three years time. I’m mentoring them so they can continue Tallwood after I retire,” he says. “If you don’t have a plan, then you fail,” he says. “By having a plan that provides certainty for everyone involved, it allows everything to flow without anyone wondering what’s going to happen. I am committed to ensure a seamless transition over the next few years.” “Where we are at the moment is the best for us, size-wise,” he says. “It will be up to my successors to decide how to grow the company in the future.” Alex’s plans for Tallwood do not include branching THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA