The Construction Source Australia

Million - $10 Million – Winner; and 2023 HIA NSW Custom Built Home Over $2.5 Million – Winner. Alex explains the backstory and the engineering behind that award-winning project. He says that when Chateau took on the project, they started working with a design brought in by the client, one that wasn’t conceptualized by the Chateau team. With this being the case, they basically had to start from scratch and redesign it. “We took the concept provided by an external architect and pulled it apart so that it could be practically built,” he says. “It’s one thing to draw a pretty picture on a page, but you literally have to pull everything apart, engineer it, so that everything’s going to work together. So, once it gets to site, it goes through quite quickly.” “There’s a huge amount of work behind the scenes. In this particular instance, the owner’s overall intention has always been to have an ultramodern, almost industrial finish, an industrial feel, but delivered with warm natural accents.” While the home was completed in 2023, work was done on the project during several years of the COVID pandemic. Alex says this created a special set of challenges. “The industry was shut down here. We had massive labor issues. We had massive material issues that impacted throughout the build. We also had two years of some of the wettest weather on record. “We were dealing with an ultra-modern home which is extremely difficult. We’re going through the COVID period which is extremely difficult. We’re also dealing with huge weather issues, again out of our control, so everything was against us. So the whole team, the staff in the office, the supervisors out on site the tradesmen, the suppliers out on site – we all had to simply come together and work together like we do on all our projects so that the overall outcome at the end was what the owner was looking for.” The result of that collaboration was an outstanding home that was appreciated not only by the clients, but also by Chateau’s peers in the industry, as evidenced by their aforementioned award recognition. In their comments, the MBA NSW judges commented that the company has “consistently submitted exceptional projects every year,” and that their Seaforth project was no exception. “The Seaforth Home was a testament to their skill, quality, and diversity that the company can deliver,” they wrote. “The use of multiple materials all blended with seamless accuracy and was outstanding.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA