The Construction Source Australia

apprentices who are working toward their trade certificates are also part of the team. Supersett currently has around 50 employees with many of those having a long tenure with the company. Aaron says that they have been fortunate in attracting top quality applicants to join the team even when there have been labor shortages elsewhere. “We’ve been fortunate to pick up people fairly easily because we’ve got such a good crew on the ground. Good guys attract good guys. A lot of those people have worked together in the past. They tell their friends, “Why don’t you come and jump on board here?’” “We’ve had a lot of employees join our team like that especially in the past several months when it’s been pretty tight,” he says. “That’s our main way of getting people.” Along with word of mouth between employees and potential employees, the company is also using social media as a hiring tool. “We’ve been reaching out through Facebook and that’s been successful.” Supersett also has a solid relationship with their subcontractors and suppliers. “We’ve created relationships with subcontractors that we work with regularly. They’re incredibly important to our success as well. We wouldn’t have been as successful as we have been during the last 10 years without them,” Aaron says. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA