The Construction Source Australia

the deadline. A lot of our guys worked four months solid. That was our biggest project to date at the time.” Another significant project for Ceasefire was the redevelopment that expanded the luxury retail space at the Sydney International Airport. The project had its own set of unique challenges as Slayde explains. “The entire structure is supported by steel columns that had to be fire rated. This project was particularly challenging as it involved working airside in a fully operational airport facility,” he says. “We had to take into account the high level of security and the safety of passengers and aircraft throughout the project. A lot of security was involved every time we sent to the site. Our vehicles had to be checked. We had to be searched personally. We had to be escorted through the airport. We had to be mindful of construction waste and that it didn’t blow into the aircraft.” “This site was open 24/7 to achieve the outcome that was required for the development. We were able to work within multiple constraints during the assignment to deliver a successful result,” Slayde says. “We’ve just done a warehouse which was quite a large project and we finished it in record time considering how big the project was for us,” Slayde says. “We had a team on that project basically 24/7 with a day shift and a night shift crew.” He explains that the type of work they were doing was disruptive to the other crews on site, so they sprayed at night to keep disturbances minimal and cleaned and scraped during the day. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA