Parsons Constructions

4 | Parson Constructions Parsons Constructions form strong relationships with the people they work with, including their subcontractors and suppliers. Most of their partners have been working with Chris and Rebecca since the business started, and have formed friendships with the couple outside of work. “We try to stay as loyal as possible with everyone we work with,” Chris says. “Our loyalty gives us flexibility – if we tried to ‘chop and change’ with suppliers and contractors, we wouldn’t get the prompt service that we get, and our relationships wouldn’t be nearly as strong.” EMBRACING EFFICIENCY As a GreenSmart-accredited builder, Parsons Constructions is dedicated to buildings homes that are more than just visually appealing – they also have to be energy-efficient. Sustainable building measures are for more than just saving the planet, Chris explains. They also benefit the homeowner, as they make for more comfortable living spaces and save on energy costs in the long run. “We are passionate about designing and building energy-efficient homes,” he says. “We encourage our clients to embrace ideas, products and materials to achieve an outcome that will suit their lifestyle.” The company’s “green” focus – combined with their commitment to customer service – has not gone unnoticed by the industry. In 2012, for example, Parsons Constructions was the winner of a regional HIA GreenSmart award for Energy Efficiency. That winning project was a pavilion-style home with large shaded decks, roof and wall in-